Sunday, July 11, 2010

kerja oh kerja (",)...

"Ada orang datang ke pejabat dengan perasaan penuh gembira & ceria, ada datang
dengan perasaan 'biasa' dan ada datang dengan perasaan serba tak kena..

Ingat lah, sesiapa yang datang hanya dengan perasaan 'biasa' saja, hasilnya
adalah 'biasa' saja, sesiapa yang datang dengan ceria, hasilnya akan jadi lebih
daripada biasa ataupun luar biasa. Bekerja lah dengan ceria agar menghasilkan
produktiviti yang luar biasa yang akan menggembirakan orang di sekeliling kita.
Semoga hasil itu akan mendapat keberkatan insyallah..." -- Datuk Dr. Fadilah

Jadi renungi lah :-

1. Ada antara kita datang ke pejabat hanya memenuhi tanggung jawab 'DATANG
BEKERJA' tapi hampeh, hasilnya macam kita 'TAK DATANG' kerja.

2. Ada kala kita rasa kita BUSY giler, rupanya kita hanya 'KELAM KABUT'.

3. Adakala kita rasa kita PERIHATIN', tapi rupanya kita BUSY BODY.

4. Adakala kita rasa kita OPENMINDED and OUTSPOKEN tapi rupanya kita KURANG PENG'AJAR'AN.

5. Adakala kita rasa kita berpemikiran KRITIS rupanya kita hanya lebih kepada
KRITIK yang mencipta KRISIS.

6. Adakala kita rasa kita ingin menjadi LEBIH MESRA tapi rupanya kita di lihat

7. Adakala kita suka bertanya 'KENAPA DIA NI MCM TAKDE KEJE', adalah lebih baik

Pejam mata dan renung lah diri, kalau kita perlu melakukan ANJAKAN PARADIGMA,
maka lakukanlah segera, tapi manusia tetap manusia, sukar untuk berubah kerana
kita selalu beranggapan kita lebih baik, adakah dengan merasakan itu kita
sememangnya terbaik?

Maka untuk itu, mari kita mula senyum, ceria, mesra sesama kita dan tingkat
kerjasama dalam kerja, tak rugi kita semai rasa 'kekeluargaan' dalam tugasan,
kalau kita kurang kerja, cari la kerja membantu teman-teman yang lain.

Tak dapat gaji lebih pun tak apa sebab pahala dapat, kita draw kat akhirat
nanti, tapi kalau kita asyik dengki mendengki, nasib la sebab dah ditentukan
jalan yang sukar itu yang kita pilih...

Renungi lah, berapa orang kawan kita dan berapa orang lawan kita, nescaya itu la
kayu pengukur diri yang sebaiknya...

True friends always remain in each other's heart

A friend is someone who listens without judging you...right or wrong good or bad...and gently helps you define your thoughts to regain perspective.

When you're felling bad about yourself, a friend is there to remind you of all those positive qualities you may have forgotten.

When you share with a friend, decision making becomes easier and problems seem less critical.

A friends gives you the priceless gift of time: time to try out new ideas..and to rethink old ones. No matter how often you often you're discover dimensions of yourself through the bonds and the mirror of friendship.

A friend loves you for who you are...not waht you do. Feeling so are able to set higher goals...try harder and achives more.

Through close learn the fine art giving. You expend become more selfless...feel more deeply and help more effectively. Seeing the happiness you bring to another person gives you a greater sense of well-being and increases your capacity to love.

Where you go in life..whatever stage or place you reach...a friend who has entered your soul is always with you...gently guiding...faithfully following and ever walking beside you.

There are certain people who are so close to and who are so dear to our hearts. There are certain people who can bring us a ray of happiness with just a smile and who can make us feel better just by listening and showing that they care. There are certain people who can make our day with a kind word. They can bring us hope when our hearts are low. There are a part of who we are and they make difference in our lives. There offer us the comfort of knowing someone understands and the satisfaction of knowing we have something to belives in.

It's special friendship like these that provide us with a sense of security. These special kinds of friends are tresured within the heart and are a part of our soul. They offer words of wisdom with their advice and they heal broken hearts just by being there to listen. They are people like you...who are so deserving?? of such admirattion and praise....

for it's friend like you...who are forever loved so dearly???

As i look back on all that's happened between you and me...growing up...growing together changing you...changing me...there were times when we dreamed together...when we laughed and cried togther. As i look back on those days...i relize how much i trully miss you and how much trully loved you. The past may be gone forever...and whatever the further holds...our todays make the memories of tomorrow.

So my lifetime friends it is with all my heart that i send you my love...hopping that yo'll always carry my smile with you for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold.

sO LoNeLy...

.__ I'm lonely...I'm tired...I'm sad...I'm happy...I'm lucky...I'm unlucky...I'm a million different things everyday of the week but i suppose OK is one of them...falling in love is easy but staying in love is hard...

my darling...i don't know where u r or when exactly u r reading this juz hope that my wish has found u safe n healthy..u whispered to me not long ago that u couldn't go alone u can u r strong n brave n u can get through this we shared some beautiful times 2gether n u made my life i have no regrets but i am juz a chapter in your life there will b See...many more remember our wonderful memories but plz don't b afraid 2make some more..thank u 4 doing me that honor of being my life 4 everything..i am eternally grateful wherever u need me know that i am wif u...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

what i want is what i need???

b4 30
2)own bussiness
3)hntr ibu n ayah g mecca
That i need make me happy...plg penting x lupe pd yg satu..
